Better Beef4u

Arcadia Farm Circa 1659. Located in the heart of Kent County, Maryland, offers Happy, Grain & Pasture fed, natural, steroid-free Angus-cross Beef. No added hormones or antibiotics. Know your farm(er) and let your conscience guide your tastebuds. Stop by and visit sometime.

Friday, November 14, 2008


I was right, Bessie had TWINS!!!! In honor of my sweet friend "Dee", Thaddeus and Thelma were born late yesterday afternoon. Thaddeus is red and white, Thelma is black and white. How adorable.

Monday, November 10, 2008

They are here!

We'll we didn't find the calf this morning! Instead we found 7 puppies!!!! 5 boys 2 girls!!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Life's little miracles

Whether a newborn child, kitten, chicken, puppie or calf, there is nothing more miraculous than new life.

Our third calf is due any minute, and of course this seems like forever. Just like watching the pot to boil. We walk out to the pasture, just to check, every couple hours, and nothing. Which probably means Pete will be calling up to the house tomorrow morning 5:30 am to say "It's here" I'm hoping he'll say "they're here" for some odd reason I think that big fat cow is going to have twins. I finally named her Bessie, instead of #5, although #47 seems to be stuck with her number. Tomorrow is a new day full of hope and new promises.

Why would I want to be anything more than a farm girl. This life is so quietly exciting, some days I can't stand it.