Another Christmas, another year has come and gone. The last event to finish out the year is Sammy's 8th birthday! Where has the time gone???? It just blows our mind that Jared is 11, sixth grade, on his way to the 'other side' next year; this is his last year in Awana. Sammy is... what can I say, he is Sam. All boy, rough and tough, he's going to be the quiet handsome one. Kenly turned five this summer and started Kindergarten, she is learning all the site words and starting to read; her whole world is opening up. If only we didn't get any older.
We ended December 2009 with the birth of Angel. Dallas was born in late January but didn't survive - Pete was in Texas and I was rendered helpless in an effort to save her. In February Sami came right before the 2 blizzards. Paddy came along right below St. Patricks day; and April well she arrived in April. I guess 4 out of 5 isn't too bad.
Joseph was just born this week, and we're only expecting 3 come Spring; these should be 'baldies' since their daddy is a BIG red hereford.