Although we can feel it, it's hard to believe it. Summer's End.
Although one season is coming to a close, life on the farm is still blooming. The long awaited calf of Mama (#47) finally arrived on Thursday, May 21. We didn't even stress over this one - until a few days later - but that's another story. Archie is thriving. He's just as cute as he can be. Tiny little guy, he was laying the weeds on the other side of the fence the day we found him.
Last week Pete spotted a clutch of baby chicks under the hen house - 10 in all, all different colors. There's really nothing cuter than baby chicks, all fluffy and soft. However sadly there are only 9 now.
Last weekend our kids had their first lesson on the "bird and the bees" as we bred our Jack Russell, Sky to her new "husband" Buddy who lives down the road. You've heard the old adaage "out of the mouth of babes"! Well Sam says after pondering the episode for a few minutes; "hay Daddy is that what you and Mommy had to do to have us?" and of course Pete's reply was "you better ask your mother!"
Life is still good, Down on the Farm!